29 Sep 2023
Ariens Mammoth 850

The Ariens MAMMOTH 850 Snow Removal Vehicle

River East Power Equipment is proud to offer the Ariens MAMMOTH 850: the world’s most powerful, most capable snow removal machine. Its compact size lets the MAMMOTH go anywhere, and its four oversized tires are driven by a state-of-the-art 28.5 hp engine. Add your choice of attachments, and the MAMMOTH 850 is the perfect solution for Connecticut homeowners, property managers, and municipal agencies who need to clear heavy snow quickly, efficiently, and completely.READ MORE

13 Aug 2023
Dethatch Lawn Connecticut

Dethatching Your Connecticut Lawn: When and How

Your lawn is a complex system, and Connecticut’s hot, humid summers can cause it to grow out of balance. If you’ve given your lawn all the water, nutrients, and sunlight it needs, but it’s still not as thick and lush as you’d like, consider what’s happening between your soil and the grass you mow each weekend. You could be suffering from an excess of thatch.READ MORE

27 Mar 2023
what lawn fertilizer is safe for well water

What Lawn Fertilizer Is Safe For Well Water?

What lawn fertilizer is safe for well water? If your property contains a well, you know that you need to take certain steps to preserve your water quality. That includes paying attention to the lawn fertilizer you use near any wellsite. You’ll want to test your water once a year or so to confirm that it’s clean and safe. But how should you treat your lawn in the meantime? What lawn fertilizer is safe for well water?

13 Mar 2023
When (& How) To Apply Milorganite

When (& How) To Apply Milorganite For DIYers

For nearly a century, homeowners have used Milorganite to deliver the nitrogen their lawns crave without the risk of burning their grass or creating patchy, streaky results. That’s because Milorganite releases nitrogen more slowly than many other fertilizers, keeping grass consistently nourished while it grows strong and resilient. Milorganite also contains iron, which helps grass develop deeper, richer shades of green.

02 Nov 2020
Winter Storage For Snowblowers

Winter Storage Tips For Snowblowers

Snowblower Starting Instructions:

  1. Put fresh fuel in the gas tank and check the oil level
  2. Turn the fuel valve on (if equipped)
  3. Put the throttle to full and put the choke lever to full
  4. Press the primer bulb 2 times
  5. Pull the starter cord until the engine turns over
  6. Move the choke setting to half way and let machine run for 3-5 seconds
  7. Take the machine completely off choke and the machine will smooth out, wait another 10 seconds.
  8. You are now ready to use the snow blower!


27 Sep 2020
Best Lawn Care YouTube Video Channels

The 7 BEST Lawn Care YouTube Video Channels To Watch (And Subscribe To)

There are a whole lot of lawn care resources out there for DIY-ers who are looking for ways to improve their lawn and manage their own lawn care without the aid of a professional team. But how do you know which lawn care channels on YouTube provide the best information and the best resources and won’t leave you in worse shape than you were when you started? How do you find a channel that will help you take your yard to the next level and leave it looking like a team of professionals manages its care for you?

We’ve compiled a list of the best YouTube Channels on lawn care available so that you know exactly where to start when making the decision to manage it yourself. These channels can help you troubleshoot specific problems, eliminate pests and weeds either all naturally or chemically, and provide you with the best tips and tricks used across the US by professional lawn services. Use the descriptions below to find the best resource for your particular lawn needs, then sit back and enjoy these incredible DIY-ers!



02 Sep 2020
When To Stop Mowing, And Watering, In The Fall

When To Stop Mowing, And Watering, In The Fall?

As grass growth slows and the leaves start changing colors, many people begin wondering about the outside chores and yard maintenance that autumn holds. It’s important to prepare your lawn accordingly, to give your grass the best chance for making it through the winter, while also giving yourself a head-start on the spring cleaning. While you’ll obviously know when fall is on the way, there are some key signs that you should look out for in order to best prepare for the time when your grass stops growing.


02 Sep 2020
Are Mushrooms Bad For Your Lawn - How To Kill Mushrooms In Lawn

Are Mushrooms Bad For Your Lawn? 🚫🍄 How To Kill Lawn Mushrooms

As summer draws to a close, and autumn brings the rainy season, you may begin to see a mushroom or two popping up in your front yard. These mushrooms are likely harmless to humans and pets, but they can be quite the eyesore for those who pride themselves on a healthy, well-manicured lawn. It can be extremely frustrating to see dozens of these pesky little fungi pop up literally overnight, but they can be also difficult to gain control over and prevent from returning again.


05 Jul 2020
Lawn Care and Grass Tips in Connecticut

Lawn & Grass Care Tips for Connecticut Homeowners

The stress due to the summer heat and lack of rainfall this season has greatly affected many homeowner’s throughout the Northeast. Here in CT, our grass climate zone is 7 which means that our planting season is in the early spring and fall as temperatures are much cooler for germination; hence the name “cool season grass”. Most of the grasses that grow in our zone are either a type of Bluegrass, Fescue, Rye, or a mixture of all and they tend to go dormant in the summer when the temperatures are consistently above 80. Dormancy is a grasses natural defense to survive when conditions are not favorable to sustain vigorous growth. During the summer months our mowing habits seem to slow down and many homeowners fight a constant battle with either weeds, disease or high water bills. Depending on how much time and money you want to spend to keep your grass looking the best all season long, there’s still a few tips that every homeowner can benefit from:


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