As summer draws to a close, and autumn brings the rainy season, you may begin to see a mushroom or two popping up in your front yard. These mushrooms are likely harmless to humans and pets, but they can be quite the eyesore for those who pride themselves on a healthy, well-manicured lawn. It can be extremely frustrating to see dozens of these pesky little fungi pop up literally overnight, but they can be also difficult to gain control over and prevent from returning again.

Whether you blame it on extra rain, a shady spot, or nutrient-rich soil, mushrooms popping up throughout the lawn is usually a sign of healthy grass and a maintained yard. But, that doesnā€™t mean you have to live with these unsightly intruders taking over your lawn, as there are some easy and effective ways to get rid of mushrooms in your grass and prevent them from returning. Weā€™re going to be talking about those today.

Are Mushrooms Bad for Your Grass?

Mushrooms growing in your yard, while visually unattractive, arenā€™t going to do any actual damage. In fact, when lots of mushrooms are popping up throughout your lawn, it typically means the soil underneath is extremely healthy and full of organic matter for feeding the grass. Mushrooms actually help break the organic material down, filling your soil with even more nutrients and making it more productive.

Mushroom overgrowth in your yard, while not damaging, could signify a problem worth looking into. Poor drainage and an overly-wet lawn, for example, could be a possibility leading to an abundance of fungi. Large, shaded areas in your yard are another attractant for mushrooms, so limiting these spaces can help significantly.

How to Kill Mushrooms in Your Grass

Besides improving lawn drainage and limiting shade, there are a number of different approaches that can be taken to get rid of mushrooms in your grass. Depending on how intensive you want to get with the process, some of the most common ways to eliminate mushrooms for good include:

  • Reduce Decaying Material: Mushrooms typically grow in areas with lots of decaying, wooden material. It could be due to an old stump in your yard, or limbs and twigs that have decayed into your soil. Try offsetting this moist material by cleaning your grass clippings immediately after mowing, and dethatching your soil with an old rake.
  • Aerate Your Lawn: Aerating your lawn is one important strategy for improving soil drainage, loosening compacted soil, and bringing vital air to the roots. This is done with a special aerating tool and should be done at least once per year.
  • Remove Each Mushroom at its Base: While tedious, going through your yard and removing each mushroom at its base is one of the best ways to prevent them from returning. Be sure to pluck them once they sprout, and to dispose of them in a plastic bag into the trash so that way new spores cannot be released back into your yard.

Final Thoughts

Fighting back and forth with a normal, healthy part of Mother Nature could prove to be more work than its worth. Because mushroom growth is typically a good sign and doesnā€™t cause any real harm to your lawn, you might choose to leave them growing. This could actually be a beneficial decision, as the extensive root system created by these fungi tend to help promote healthier soil and a happier lawn.

Regardless of what you choose to do, rest easy knowing that your grass is happy and healthy, with or without the mushrooms.